Logging in at home
You can just search for "Churchers Firefly" and click in the first result. Students need to click the "Staff and Students" button to login to the Firefly website. Then you need to login to office.com using your school email address firstname.surname@churcherscollege.com and the password you use to login to the school computers. If you have forgotten your password, you can ask your teacher in a computer room or technicians to reset it for you.
Website not working?
You can clear your cache on your web browser program following this.
You can also try accessing it in incognito mode by following this.
The Mobile App
If it's a problem with the mobile app, you can try clearing the app data or removing/reinstalling it. You need the school code churcherscollege when asked.
It can be downloaded for Android or Apple devices.
Tasks not showing
Usually it is due to incorrectly applied filters that need clearing as shown below...