As of 22/02/21 - 0 km travelled. You are currently at Churcher's College. 8919km to go!


Together let's run, walk or cycle the 8919km from
Churcher's College 
to Mude School in Nepal

Let's get our whole school community active! 

You are invited to join us for this activity challenge - open to pupils, staff, parents and friends – a great way to stay active and fit and work towards a collective goal! Log your distance (see below) and see where you rank on the leader boards. There will be prizes for the pupils that cover the most distance!

Our decision to 'travel' to Mude stems from our links with United World Schools Mude School in Nepal. More detail on our history of supporting this amazing project can be found by clicking on this link: UWS Mude Charity Work 


Log Your Distance

Please log your distance below (you can submit several times so either log after each activity or perhaps a weekly total). If you would like to make a donation to the charity please add a tick to the box.

Fill out my online form.



Challenge Updates

(Please follow the special challenge Twitter account @ChurchersToMude. You can also post your own photos and videos on Twitter using the hashtag #ChurchersToMude and they will be shown below.)

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: